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energy band

【化】 能带

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英文: Based on the energy band characteristics of ordinary negative electron affinity emitter GaAs, the design of lengthening the diffusion lengths of negative electron affinity emitter GaAs was presented, and the special negative electron affinity emitter GaAs

中文: 摘要根据通常负电子亲和势二次电子发射材料砷化镓的能级特点,提出延长负电子亲和势二次电子发射材料砷化镓的逸出深度的理论设计,设计出了特殊的负电子亲和势二次电子发射材料砷化镓。        更详细...
英文: Myself dislike China to yearn for US, therefore asks the person which an energy band I goes to US how many to want me to be all ...

中文: 本人讨厌中国向往美国,所以找个能带我去美国的人要我怎样多可以.....真诚!!        更详细...
英文: The highest-energy band containing electrons is called the valence band, and the next higher one is the conduction band.

中文: 填有电子而能量最高的能带称为价带,相邻的更高能带称为导带。        更详细...
英文: Topics covered include: crystal lattices, electronic energy band structures, phonon dispersion relatons, effective mass theorem, semiclassical equations of motion, and impurity states in semiconductors, band structure and transport properties of selected

中文: 被覆盖的论题包括:晶格、电子能带结构、声子色散关系、有效质量理论、半经典运动方程和半导体中的非纯态、选择性半导体的带结构和输运性质固体量子理论与准费米能级以及用于器件建模的玻兹曼输运理论之间的联系。        更详细...
英文: University's class hour compared to a center school leadertime, her waist is very difficult to support the such long time, onlyin the energy band specially makes protects the waist maintenancesitting posture, the time one is long must rest a meeting, canc

中文: 大学的课时比中学长一倍,她的腰部很难支撑这么长时间,只能带上特制的护腰维持坐姿,时间一长必须休息一会,才能继续保持坐姿。        更详细...

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