英文: Aberrations of diet, including pica (the consumption of nonnutritive substances, such as clay and charcoal), are common in pregnancy.
中文: 饮食失常在孕期常见,如异食癖(食非营养性物质如粘土和木炭)。
英文: Distributed in continental shelf depths of all tropica and subtropical oceans, Ophichthidae can burrow in sand and mud substrates or coral reefs by pointed rayless tail tips or acute snouts.
中文: 摘要蛇鳗科鱼类广布于各大洋的热带和亚热带大陆架水域,可依靠尖突的头部和尖秃骨化的尾端在沙土或珊瑚礁后潜穴。
英文: The alias of Semen Leonuri is Spica Prunellae in records, and the withered Semen Leonuri after the summer solstice is also Herba Lagopsis.
中文: 凡记载茺蔚别名夏枯,或茺蔚夏至后即枯的均指夏至草。
英文: Dominant species include Eurasian Tree-Sparrow(Passer montanus),Black-billed Magpie(Pica pica) and Barn Swallow(Hirundo rustica);
中文: (树)麻雀(Passer montanus)、喜鹊(Pica pica)和家燕(Hirundo rustica)为优势种;