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surface runoff


土壤学          |    查看相关文献(pubmed)   |    免费全文文献


英文: Abstract: In accordance with the problems in the system of well storing rainfall at present,based on the experiments of artificial simulating rainfall,and assistance with the measures of natural rainfall,the relationships among the surface runoff yield,si

中文: 文摘:针对当前旱井集雨系统存在的问题,利用人工降雨试验,并辅以天然降雨观测,系统分析了旱井集流区的产流量、含沙率、集流效率与下垫面材料、坡度、降雨强度的关系,进而选出了最优坡度及最优下垫面材料,为今后旱井集流区的应用研究做了有益的探讨。        更详细...
英文: Considering that the infiltration capacity curve can't express the actual infiltration capacity, the authors develop the surface runoff yield models that combine with the infiltration capacity curve, unstable raining process and antecedent soil moisture i

中文: 考虑到流域实际的下渗能力,建立了将下渗能力曲线、不稳定降雨过程和前期土壤含水量有机联系起来的流域场(时段)暴雨地表径流计算模式。        更详细...
英文: Conspicuously heavier hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions in Maolouchi river basin after quake suggested that the water source of the rivulet mainly drained from surface runoff subjected to evaporation or the interflow composed with heavier isotopes

中文: 猫罗溪流域在地脓后其氢、氧同位素组成明显变重,此意指流至河川之水源可能改变为遭受蒸发作用之地表迳流,或以具较重同位素组成之中间流为主。        更详细...
英文: Increased surface runoff was found in the mountainous areas of the southwest and northeast, and in some areas along the South Coast.

中文: 地表径流量升高的地区以西南部及东北部高山地区较为明显,在南部沿海部分地区亦有类似现象。        更详细...
英文: It analyzes the hydrologic effect from the aspects of rainfall interception of plants, splash erosion reduction and surface runoff control, analyzes the mechanical effect from the aspects of tensile strength of single root of plant, root-soil interaction,

中文: 从植物的截留降水、削弱溅蚀和抑制地表径流等方面分析了植被护坡的水文效应,并从植物单根抗拉强度、根-土相互作用、根-土复合体及边坡稳定分析等方面分析了植物护坡的力学效应,最后探讨了植被护坡的发展方向。        更详细...

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