英文: At present, the students of the Party members in colleges become indifferent to the Party's aim and the enthusiasm of joining the Party, and even their motivation of joining the Party is of egoism as well.
中文: 摘要当前,高校学生党员思想上存在着宗旨观念淡薄,入党动机具有功利主义色彩,入党前的积极性消失等问题;党员教育中也存在着对学生党员入党后继续教育重视不够、教育内容不新、教育形式单一等问题。
英文: Both the ontological egoism by Descartes and the functional egoism by Kant reveal this tendency.
中文: 无论是笛卡尔的实体性自我,还是康德的功能性自我,都体现着这种确定性追求的努力方向。
英文: Egoism and competition are, alas, stronger forces than public spirit and sense of duty.
中文: 自我主义和竞争心理,唉!比公德心和责任感更有力。
英文: It can be perceived that this starts with inner contradictions and clashes, while the post-modern philosophy maximizes the intuition and deduction in egoism up to the deconstruction of self.
中文: 因而从自我本身出发寻找确定性的根基,从一开始就面临着内在的矛盾和冲突,而后现代主义恰恰又将自我当中感性的、流动的成分推崇到无以复加的程度,最终导致自我的解构。
英文: Rational egoism can be regarded as an ethnical theory when rational points of view are stated.
中文: 摘要合理利己主义不失为一种可以作为理性观点申述的伦理学观点。