英文: On the whole, experts don't recommend taking diuretic products to combat fluid retention while these may get rid of excess fluid, they also sap the body of vital nutrients.
中文: 总之,专家们一般不会推荐利尿剂排除体内多余水分。虽然这样有效,但这类药物也同时带走体内重要的营养成分。
英文: Rosalind mixes extract of dandelion leaves with other herbs to alleviate bladder problems as dandelion is also a powerful diuretic which helps to flush out bacteria.
中文: 罗莎琳德将蒲公英叶的提取物与其它草药混合用于缓解有关膀胱的病症,因为蒲公英还是极好的利尿剂,能有助于排出体内的病菌。
英文: Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone and diabetes insipidus occurring in very short order in the same patient is rare.
中文: 摘要抗利尿激素不适当分泌症候群及尿崩症同时发生在一个病人身上是十分罕见的。
英文: The diuretic effect is not obvious but it can increase the secretion ions of sodium, potassium and chlorine in the urine.
中文: 一.利尿作用-利尿作用不明显,但能增加小便中钠,钾,氯各离子排泄。
英文: Vasopressin administration has been shown in healthy humans to delay sodium excretion along with its antidiuretic action.
中文: 在健康人中应用血管加压素可以使钠排泄延迟及抗利尿。