英文: For the next few years Rewi travelled from Wuhan around huge areas, building the Gung Ho movement to become an industrial and social force that contributed significantly to the capacity of China to resist the Japanese army.
中文: 接下来的几年,路易从武汉开始,游历各地,使工合运动成为了一支为中国抗日作出巨大贡献的工业和社会力量。
英文: These crude efforts to stop the onsweep of a mighty social force with the bodies of their womenfolk were the dying gasps of the andlords.
中文: 地主们妄图牺牲自己女眷的肉体来阻挡这股强大的社会力量的奔腾向前,这种卑劣的手段是他们的垂死挣扎。