英文: Based on that argument, I will formulate a critical modernity and suggest that the others' histories be rewritten through questioning the centrality and uniqueness of Europe/Japan.
中文: 最后,作者指出历史工作者必须以有反省性之反身认同,重建自身之历史感。
英文: By arguing for the centrality of metaphors in science and critically analyzing the account of scientific realism, the author argues for the restructuring of our concepts of truth and reality.
中文: 通过对隐喻在科学中的中心作用的论述以及对科学实在论解释的批判性分析,布雷德力图获得时真理概念和实在概念的重建。
英文: Chang, D.S., M.J. Lu and S. Yang (1997), “Birnbaum-Saunders Centrality Control”, Proceedings of the 1997 CSQC Conference and 11th Asian Quality Symposium, pp.350-352.
中文: 张东生、庄雅莉(1997),『台湾地区公共安全品质之衡量』,海峡两岸管理科学学术研讨会论文集,页196-205。
英文: In this regard, this article contends that analogyas a scientific metaphor is much more appropriate than as a statistical correlation. Analogydoes not have to exclude the centrality of the objects in constructing knowledge while correlationdoes.
中文: 因此而得出的体会,透过类比模型来表达要胜过透过变量模型来表达,因爲前者是以被研究对象爲主要关切,后者是以研究者自己的理论建构爲主要关切。
英文: Mr Mak rightly plays up the centrality of the two world wars to Europe's 20th century.
中文: 书中,马克合理地关注了20世纪欧洲在两次大战中的轴心角色国家。