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major port

【经】 主要港口

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英文: An ebullient yet dignified man on the tender side of sixty, he was born on the island of Puerto Rico, but spent the major portion of his life in the United States.

中文: 60多岁的温顺个性中,同时带着热情和尊贵的男人,他出生在中美洲的波多黎各岛,而一生中大部份的时间在美国渡过。        更详细...
英文: Article 243 Determination of Rental Components Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the rent under a financial leasing contract shall be determined based on the major portion of or full costs of purchasing the lease item and the lessor's reasonable pro

中文: 第二百四十三条融资租赁合同的租金,除当事人另有约定的以外,应当根据购买租赁物的大部分或者全部成本以及出租人的合理利润确定。        更详细...
英文: Article 249 Partial Refund in Case of Termination by Lessor Where the parties agreed that title to the lease item will vest in the lessee at the end of the lease term, and after paying a major portion of the rent, the lessee is unable to pay the remaining

中文: 第二百四十九条当事人约定租赁期间届满租赁物归承租人所有,承租人已经支付大部分租金,但无力支付剩余租金,出租人因此解除合同收回租赁物的,收回的租赁物的价值超过承租人欠付的租金以及其他费用的,承租人可以要求部分返还。        更详细...
英文: As the Phoenicians themselves were clever traders and posessed several colonies, they spread the scarab throughout the Mediterranean, bringing it to all major ports along their trade routes.

中文: 因为腓尼基人他们自己是聪明的交易者以及占有数个殖民地,他们在地中海各处传布了圣甲虫,将它带到沿处贸易线上的重要港埠。        更详细...
英文: Container throughput at major ports in China totaled at 52.53 mln twenty foot-equivalent units (TEUs) in the first half, up 24.1 pct year-on-year, the Ministry of Communications said.

中文: 交通部称,中国港口1-6月集装箱吞吐量达到5253.49万标准箱(TEU),较去年同期增长24.1%。        更详细...

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