英文: A Harvard School of Public Health survey released last month reported that more students are abstaining from alcohol, but levels of binge drinking having at least four or five drinks at a sitting are the same as in the early 1990s.
中文: 哈佛大学公共卫生学院上个月的一份调查报告表明,已经有越来越多的学生主动戒绝饮酒,但是另一方面学生们在聚会时的饮酒量却仍不见减少,还像20世纪90年代初一样一饮便是4、5杯。
英文: Among adults, Britons rank among the top binge drinkers in Europe, causing widespread damage to the nation's health and social fabric.
中文: 英国成年人的酗酒比例在欧洲名列前茅。酗酒大大损害了英国的国民健康,并对社会结构造成了影响。
英文: Bottles of wine are to carry health warnings from next year under Government plans to crack down on so-called binge drinking.
中文: 明年葡萄酒瓶上会贴上健康警告,这是政府为打击所谓的“狂喝滥饮”而制定的计划。
英文: China announced at the end of April a 0.27 percentage point hike in the benchmark one-year loan interest rate to raise the borrowing cost as part of its effort to curb an investment binge and prevent economic overheating.
中文: 作为遏止盲目投资和防止经济过热的措施之一,国家在4月底宣布将一年期贷款利率调高0.27个百分点以提高借款成本。
英文: “Many of those who come in for treatment suffer from depression, anxiety disorders and other impulse control disorders like pathological gambling and binge eating,” Dr. Koran said.
中文: 柯兰博士说:「很多来看病的人都为忧郁症、焦虑失控和其他冲动控制障碍所苦,像病态的嗜赌及暴食症。」