英文: As a Spatial CAA V5 adopter the company is now applying its expertise to ensure tighter integration between styling, concept design, modelling, and manufacturing and production processes, by providing another innovative software solution.
中文: 如今正利用它的专长提供另一创新的解决工具,而紧密整合,从造型,概念设计,构图,制造一直到量产.
英文: BEIJINGBJ212 light off-road vehicle was originally desinged and tested by the previous Beijing Automotive Words (established in 1958 and graced with factory nameplate handwritten by Field Marshall Zhu De) in 1965 and put into serial production upon approv
中文: 北京牌BJ212轻型越野汽车,是由原北京汽车制造厂(成立于一九五八年,由朱德同志亲自题写厂名)于一九六五年设计试制,并于一九六五年五月经国务院军工产品定型委员会批准设计定型,同年正式投产。
英文: First Article Inspectionmeans the detailed inspection, performed on the first Equipment and/or Parts manufactured or assembled in the normal production conditions, i.e. with a stabilized and formalized process.
中文: 首批条款检验〉所指的是在常规的生产条件下(也就是按照稳定和通常规定的程序)在首批生产和装配的设备和(或)零部件上展开的详细检验。
英文: In our perception, there is tremendous, underlying interest in sustainable production and locally-sourced foods....The organic and local food market is a big idea whose time has come,Holden said.
中文: 侯登说︰「就我们的认知,(公众)对永续生产与在地食品存有浓厚、根本的兴趣,有机、在地的食品市场是一个伟大的概念,其时代已然来临。」
英文: PRECIOSA's production of glass fashion jewellery stones includes, first and foremost, machine cut and polished CHATONS, which form the bulk of the company's output and export.
中文: PRECIOSA生产的时尚水钻首要包括机器切割及打磨的水钻,是数量庞大的产品及出口制品。