英文: 1 One alternative is for a Q.P. of the manufacturing authorisation holder making the bulk production batch to certify all the finished product batches before release to the market.
中文: 使用同一各生产许可证,将半成品批次在不同的厂址形成不同的成品批次。
英文: 2 Back rise measurement out of tolerance 1/4” to 3/4”, should be corrected in bulk production.
中文: 后浪尺寸比容忍度1/4”到3/4”,应该在大货生产中该正。
英文: 4 The royal government squandered money on misguided aviation and shipping ventures, and the bulk of the $56m it secured from selling passports was frittered away in poor investments by a visiting American rogue rather quaintly appointed by the king as hi
中文: 效忠于王权的政府把大把的钱花在方向错误的航空、航运投资上,而一个来访问美国流氓则把5千6百万美元花在了一些收益极低的项目上,而这些钱是政府出卖护照的所得,更令人奇怪的是,这个流氓还被任命为国王的“宫廷小丑”。
英文: A day will indeed come when astronomers have accounted for the bulk of the light in the universe, and that day is fast approaching.
中文: 天文学家数完宇宙中所有星体的日子必定会来到,而且,就快了。
英文: A focus of rail, sea, air, and road transportation, it receives the bulk of the products of the lower Murray River Valley, which has no port at its mouth.
中文: 作为海路、陆路、铁路及航空的交通枢纽,阿德莱德要吞吐大量来自墨累河谷下游的货物,因为河口没有港口。