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英文: A calculation formula with a clear and definite physical meaning is derived for the limit value of the axial compressive ratio of SRC column, the result out of which is in agreement with the limit value of the axial compressive ratio of reinforced concret

中文: 摘要文章推导出了具有明显物理意义的型钢混凝土柱轴压比限值的计算公式,且其结果与《混凝土结构设计规范》中规定的钢筋混凝土柱的轴压比限值有很好的吻合度。        更详细...
英文: CSRC shall refuse to accept its application for publicly issuing securities or other matters subject to approval, and shall circularize its records on bad credits to the SASAC, China Banking Regulatory Commission and the relevant local government.

中文: 中国证监会不受理其公开发行证券的申请或其他审批事项,并将其资信不良记录向国资委、中国银行业监督管理委员会和有关地方政府通报。        更详细...
英文: How tolling systems are built depends partially on how a country's engineers see the world: some think a short-range approach based on DSRC is the way to go, while others bet on the global reach of GPS.

中文: 如何建设收费系统取决于一个国家的工程师们如何看待这个世界:一些人认为依靠DSRC是一个快捷的途径,而另一些人则将宝押在GPS上。        更详细...
英文: However, although officials at the CSRC indicated that the investigation into Hangxiao could continue, some analysts said the level of the fine would not dissuade other traders or companies from breaking the rules.

中文: 然而,尽管证监会官员暗示,对杭萧钢构的调查可能仍将继续,一些分析师表示,这种罚金水平不足以阻止其他交易人员或上市公司违规。        更详细...
英文: However, the CSRC said the company revealed details of the contract at a meeting in February, which leaked to some investors and said Hangxiao did not specify the five-year timeframe of the contract in the eventual disclosure.

中文: 但中国证监会表示,该公司今年2月在一次会议上透露了该合同的细节,导致信息泄露到一些投资者手中,同时杭萧钢构在最终披露公告中并未明确指出合同期为5年。        更详细...

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