英文: After the 1960s, China began to inoculate BCG, pertussis, diphtheria, tetanus, measles and poliomyelitis vaccines.
中文: 六十年代后,中国开始在大、中城市接种卡介苗、百日咳、白喉、破伤风、麻疹、脊髓灰质炎的疫苗的工作。
英文: Although different approaches to vaccines have been considered—human versus animal strains, live versus killed viruses, whole virus or protein subunits—rotavirus researchers followed the lead of Albert Sabin, creator of the oral poliomyelitis vaccine.
中文: 疫苗的制作有好几种不同的方式,包括使用人类或动物的病毒品系、活病毒或死病毒、全病毒或蛋白质次单位等;经过考量后,轮状病毒研究人员决定采用小儿麻痹口服疫苗发明人沙宾的做法。
英文: Frontal osteomyelitis induced by sinusitis is the most frequent clinical presentation.
中文: 额窦炎导致额骨骨髓炎通常会破坏额骨及额窦的结构,这是临床上常见的现象。
英文: In conclusion, bone scan is a good tool for tuberculous osteomyelitis for defining disease extent, choosing sites for microbiological biopsy analysis and monitoring treatment response.
中文: 骨骼扫描在结核骨髓炎可用来界定影响范围、选择微生物取样分析部位以及监利治疗效果。
英文: Owing to high vaccine coverage, diseases such as diphtheria and poliomyelitis have virtually been eradicated and the incidence of other vaccine-preventable infectious diseases among children is relatively low.
中文: 由于儿童接受防疫注射的比率很高,因此,白喉和脊髓灰质炎已几乎绝迹,而儿童患上其他可预防传染病的个案也不多。