英文: Among other poi nts, her order enjoined the service “from taking any further action contrary to the roadless rule without undertaking environmental analysis.
中文: 除了其他要点外,她的裁定禁止森林服务局在进行环境分析前进行任何与无路规定相悖的事情。
英文: Idaho, with the largest inventory of roadless acres outside Alaska, submitted its petition on Wednesday.
中文: 爱达荷州是排阿拉斯加之后,拥有无路森林最多的州,也于周三提交了请求。
英文: It sought full protection for 1.7 million of its 9.3 million roadless acres and the option for logging and road construction in what state officials called the remaining “backcountry” areas.
中文: 它请求保护的是它境内930万英亩无路森林中的170万英亩,其余的被当地官员称作不发达地区保留伐木和开矿的权利。
英文: Six states have submitted requests under the changed policy. Five of them — California, New Mexico, North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia — sought protection for their entire inventories of roadless areas.
中文: 有6各州在新的政策下提交了要求。其中5个-加利福尼亚,新墨西哥,北卡罗来那,南卡罗来那和弗基尼亚要求对他们境内所有的无路区域进行保护。
英文: The merits of the roadless policy and its successor have been argued in three federal courts — in Idaho, Wyoming and, now, California — for six years.
中文: 无路规定和他的后继政策的优劣曾经在三个联邦法院辩论过-爱达荷,怀俄明现在是加利福尼亚-前后历经6年。