英文: A recommendation was made by inspectors that consideration be given by the company to the fitting of an interlock trip between the ventilation systems to prevent cell pressurization.
中文: 检查人员建议,公司应当考虑在这些通风系统之间安装一个连锁分离装置,以防止单元增压。
英文: A simple microwave oven, door removed, with the door interlock switch bypassed, and held against the bedroom wall of a target in an apartment building or semi-detached house.
中文: 一个简单的微波炉,门被移除了,门锁开关设了旁路,并对准一栋公寓或半独立住宅的目标的卧室。
英文: But if the temperature and precipitation increase at same time, the transfer of interlock area of farming-pastoral region will decrease, or keep unchanging.
中文: 而在温度升高、同时降水增加的气候情景下,农牧交错带的移动变缓,甚至不变,视降水的情况而定。
英文: But the door had already passed the safety switch, causing the machine to re-start and the mold partially closed as a result of failures in both components (electrically and mechanically) of the interlock system.
中文: 但是门已经通过了安全开关,导致机器重启,模子由于互锁系统的双控(电子控制和机械控制)同时瘫痪而部份关闭。
英文: Checking all series simulation signal and interlock alarming signal between DCS and auxiliary instrument panel. It and first—level test is the heart of plant testing.
中文: 这一层次调试检查DCS与辅助仪表盘间的所有串行信号模拟及联锁报警信号等,它与第一层次一起,构成了装置调试的核心。