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by pressure


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英文: A new method of desulphurisation of hot metal by immersion is developed by immersing the steel tube filled with desulphurisation powder and propellant into molten iron.The desulphurisation powder is injected into molten iron by pressure produced by propel

中文: 提出用装有喷吹剂和脱硫剂混合物的钢管插入铁水中,利用喷吹剂受热分解产生气体形成的压力将脱硫剂喷射到铁水中进行铁水炉外脱硫的一种新方法――热浸铁水脱硫法,并从理论上对该法进行了可行性分析.        更详细...
英文: Abstract: A new method of desulphurisation of hot metal by immersion is developed by immersing the steel tube filled with desulphurisation powder and propellant into molten iron.The desulphurisation powder is injected into molten iron by pressure produced

中文: 文摘:提出用装有喷吹剂和脱硫剂混合物的钢管插入铁水中,利用喷吹剂受热分解产生气体形成的压力将脱硫剂喷射到铁水中进行铁水炉外脱硫的一种新方法――热浸铁水脱硫法,并从理论上对该法进行了可行性分析.        更详细...
英文: Elastic pressure meter is made in accordance with the principle that elastic deformation caused by pressure of tested medium.

中文: 弹性式压力表是利用弹性元件在被测介质压力作用下,产生弹性形变的原理而制成的。        更详细...
英文: It summarized the research situation from pressure sources of HIV infected or AIDS cases both at home and from abroad, and influencing factors on pressure level, and negative influences caused by pressure so as to help related medical staffs to look for s

中文: 从国内外对人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染者及艾滋病(AIDS)病人的压力源、压力水平影响因素以及压力造成的负性影响等方面的研究情况进行综述,帮助有关工作人员从社会心理学角度寻找一些促进健康的措施。        更详细...
英文: Jewish law was buttressed by the cohesion of the community, reinforced by pressure from outside;its rules are the direct expression of this feeling of cohesion, tending toward the accommodation of dissent.

中文: 犹太法受到社会凝聚力的支持,由于外界的压力而强化;它的法规直接表现了这种凝聚力的感情,倾向于调和【住宿】不同意见。        更详细...

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