英文: But as the first train on the world's highest plateau set off for the remote Himalayan region of Tibet from Beijing in the northeast, Chengdu in the south and Golmud in the northwest, criticisms paled amidst jubilation .
中文: 可是,当首列行驶在世界最高高原的火车,从中国东北部的北京、南方成都与西北部葛尔木出发,前往西藏的偏远喜马拉雅山区时,这些批评声浪在欢乐的气氛中也几乎「消失」了。
英文: Many Iraqis reacted with jubilation to Saddam Hussein's death sentence Sunday, while others took to the streets in protest.
中文: 侯赛于周日宣判死刑,许多人为之庆祝,然则其他的人却上街*表示反对.
英文: Rich in natural colors, Qiao reasonable use of color, picked clean color, collectors of fine appreciation of the potential is enormous display of jubilation like home, decorated with excellent results.
中文: 色彩丰富自然,俏色运用合理,摘色干净,收藏把玩升值潜力极大,摆放在家中喜欢喜庆,装饰效果极佳。
英文: The letter you sent me, invoking sometimes what people say, sometimes what you think on your own, and the two mixed together, reflects some sort of jubilation brought about my supposed misfortune.
中文: 你寄给我的信,有些引述别人的说法,有些你自己的看法,两者加在一起,反映出你对我的遭遇幸灾乐祸。
英文: The mood among Taiwan fans watching the game at home was somber, compared with the jubilation of yesterday, after a surprise upset of South Korea.
中文: 这个结果让数万名在台湾观赛的球迷心情低落,这与昨日逆转胜韩国时的欢腾形成强烈对比。