英文: I think there's some kind of monkey business going on in that house across the street. People going in and out all day long; maybe they're selling drugs or something.
中文: 这个人说:“我看对马路那个房子里的人一定在进行一些不正当的勾当。一天到晚老有人进进出出,他们可能在贩毒,或搞其他什么鬼名堂!”
英文: It is, next to drugs and arms smuggling, it is the second most profitable business here in the Philippines,said Cecilia Flores Oebande.
中文: 他说:“贩卖孩子仅次于毒品和武器走私,其盈利的水平在菲律宾占第二位。”
英文: Therefore we conclude that a drug that was originated to target a rhinovirus might be a good starting point for the development of drugs against coronaviruses, including the SARS virus.
中文: 罗尔夫·希尔根菲尔德说:因此,我们可以得出结论:由抗鼻病毒药物研制出药物有可能成为研发抗冠状病毒(包括非典病毒)药物的很好的开端。
英文: We have to do this because we don't have enough money to buy safe and necessary drugs for the people under the government's universal health scheme,the health minister explains.
中文: 卫生部部长解释说,“由于政府卫生健康项目资金有限,不可能买安全必须的贵重药物”。
英文: 21 percent of adults 20–59 years old hae tried cocaine or street drugs at some time in their life.
中文: 在20-59岁的成年人中,21%承认一生中某个时期曾吸食过可卡因或在街头买过毒品。