英文: A trail of her footstep was on the pure white ground, made me feel light and warm.
中文: 她的一串脚步印在洁白的雪地上,给人一种轻盈而又温暖的感觉。
英文: After a while , the footstep came at the door, then , the door was opened like the door was striked by explosive bow wave.
中文: 一会儿,脚步到了门口,随即,门像受到爆炸的冲击波撞击似的,“砰”一声被推开了。
英文: Do not haul the putter on the green and pay attention to run-up footstep in process in case scratch green and affect others putting.
中文: 勿将推杆于果岭上拖行,并注意行进间应将脚步抬高,以免造成刮痕,影响他人推杆。
英文: Every experience is a footstep into the future. Every failure or success is a glimpse into the future.
中文: 人生中,每一次的经验都是前进的基石;生命里,每一次的成败都是未来的借镜。
英文: Following Singapore's footstep in a major step towards banking reform, the Ministry of Finance is allowing foreigners to own up to 50% of local banks.
中文: 台员财政部欲彽著新加波耶脚步,放宽乎外国郎投资本国银行无超过一半耶股份。