英文: If all goes well in the doctor's office, the Rockets will be ready to blast off in mid-April.
中文: 如果所有家伙在医生办公室里进展良好,那么火箭队将在四月中旬点火起飞。
英文: Phoenix Mars Lander: The low-cost NASA spacecraft will blast off toward the martian arctic in August to look for signs of life (present or past) in the ice that lies just beneath the Red Planet's surface.
中文: 凤凰号火星探测器:这个低成本的美国宇航局飞船将于8月份抵达火星的北极,寻找该行星冰层下的生命迹象。
英文: The Royal Experimental Society has selected volunteers Tom and Jerry to blast off to the moon in a rather small rocket.
中文: 汤姆与杰利被选中月球之旅,但是火箭发射失败掉落至海底。他们与海底世界的生物以及美人鱼渡过了美好的盛宴。