英文: Cotton swabs dipped in iodine can be used to wipe someone's back. So I thought, why can't I use it on paper? I've been painting like this for 20 years.
中文: 创世基金会董事长曹庆说,棉花棒沾碘酒可在人的背上擦来擦去,所以我想何不在纸上使用棉花棒,这一画就画了20多年了。
英文: Deity-Picture as Charms and Ritual Symbol: Mythological Archetype in Priest Bi-moxes' Painting in Nuosu Society.Ethnic Arts, 1998-1 issue.
中文: 神图巫符与仪式象征──大凉山彝族毕摩绘画中的神话原型,《民族艺术》1998:1.
英文: I closed my painting shop and went bankrupt because of the economy.
中文: 经济差,所以我的油漆店被迫关门破産了。
英文: Lively spirit and vitality, presented by Xie He in Southern Dynasty, is an aesthetic ideal of ancient painting in China.
中文: 摘要“气韵生动”是南朝谢赫提出的关于中国古典绘画的审美理想。
英文: Qingming Riverside Seeneis the immortal classic was drawn by Mr.Zhangzeduan.a famous painter inNorthern Song Dynasty,It is the priceless treasure in Chinese Painting history.It is a long papergenre Painting created with a realistic sleight of hand.Paintin
中文: 《清明上河图》是北宋著名画家张择端绘制的不朽杰作,贵为我国绘画史上的无价之宝,它是一幅用高度现实主义手法创作的长卷风俗画.这幅长卷为绢本,淡着色:画幅高24.8厘米、长528.7厘米、它通过对市俗生活的细致描绘、生动地再现了北宋汴京升平时期繁荣景象。