英文: At the lower end of the esophagus (which has been turned inside out at autopsy) are linear dark blue submucosal dilated veins known as varices.
中文: 食管下末段(尸解时已经把食管从里面翻出来)线状排列着深兰色的黏膜下层较宽的纹理称为静脉曲张。
英文: Both auto genous veins and bioabsorbable tubes have been used experimentally and clinically as conduits through which to bridge gaps in peripheral nerves.
中文: 摘要当周边神经因缺损而无法直接缝合时,临床上可以利用一段自体静脉当作导管以引导神经生长接合。
英文: Break vein refers to the even and fine veins that are made purposely onto the lacquer bodies.
中文: 所谓断纹,即将漆胎制成均匀细密的纹路。
英文: By massage, it can improve the blood circulation of the affected part, accelerate absorbing the exudation, smooth the veins and kill the pain.
中文: 按摩能够改善患部的血液循环,加速渗出物的吸收,起到通络止痛的作用。
英文: Cerebral digital subtraction angiography revealed tentorial DAVF and ectatic drainage veins around midbrain.
中文: 脑血管造影诊断为天幕区DAVF,脑积水由扩张的引流静脉压迫中脑导水管所致。