英文: But his light touch and abundant common sense make his efforts to navigate parallel universes and the other exotica that are the stock in trade of this genre a refreshing novelty—at least for some of the time.
中文: 然而,他对深奥理论的浅尝辄止以及他丰富的生活常识使得他的作品在两类读者群中(译注:理论读者群和通俗读者群)得以流传,也为这类作品所常用写作手法带来一些新意–至少在某些时候是这样。
英文: Observers living in Level I parallel universes experience the same laws of physics as we do but with different initial conditions.
中文: 生活在第一层平行宇宙的观测者,也经验著和我们一样的物理定律,只不过初始条件不同。
英文: THE PARALLEL UNIVERSES of your alter egos constitute the Level I multiverse.
中文: 你的众多分身所处的平行宇宙,共同构成了第一个层次的多重宇宙。
英文: The key is to predict what the ensemble of parallel universes is and to specify a probability distribution, or what mathematicians call a “measure,” over that ensemble.
中文: 关键在于预想平行宇宙的集合为何,并在此集合上定出一个或然率的分布,或是数学家口中的「测度」。