英文: Article 9. Planting trees and protecting forests are the bounden duty ofeverycitizen. People's governments at all levels shall launch afforestation activities and organize tree planting on a voluntary and nationwide basis.
中文: 第九条植树造林、保护森林,是公民应尽的义务。各级人民政府应当组织全民义务植树,开展植树造林活动。
英文: I am bounden to him for my success.
中文: 我的成功受了他的恩惠。
英文: It is the bounden duty of the Chinese Communists to end the state of separation between Taiwan and China's mainland and achieve the complete reunification of China.
中文: 结束祖国大陆同台湾分离的局面,实现祖国的完全统一,是中国共产党义不容辞的使命。
英文: It's not a case of whether Enid wants to give evidence or not. If she overheard a criminal conversation, it's her bounden duty to report it to the police.
中文: 现在的问题不是伊妮德是否愿意作证。假如她偶然听到罪犯的谈话,那么,向警方报告是她义不容辞的责任。