英文: After he left, she sat and held in her palms, votively, a teacup that had been her mother's.
中文: 牧师走了之后,她手捧着妈妈曾经用过的茶杯,一副信誓旦旦的样子。
英文: He said that he was explaining some abstruse philosophy. But to me he was only trying to stir up a storm in a teacup and mystifying things.
中文: 他说他是在阐述深奥的道理,可我认为他只不过在小题大做,故弄玄虚而已。
英文: Three civil defense officers are painted in their underground center of operations: maps on the wall, memos and notes everywhere, a teacup on the table.
中文: 画面描绘得细微精透—一品脱牛奶,红白相间的电话机,悬空摇摆的电线以及蜡黄的人工照明。
英文: How to manage and control tea safety production from producing bases to teacup has gradually become a focus which is closely related to tea safety.
中文: 杭州茶叶的卫生质量也倍受关注,因此如何通过有效手段对杭州茶叶从产地环境到茶杯全程的安全生产进行监控和管理,以及发布杭州茶叶相关信息,成为如何提高杭州茶叶品质的研究重点。
英文: Teacup of Jian Kiln and Tea Culture in Song Dynasty
中文: 建窑建盏与宋代斗茶文化