英文: Among all these problems, this article only gives its attention on the general problems, such as legislative model in inter-regional conflicts law , the general principles which are applied in the in-ter-regional conflicts law , the role of case law in th
中文: 在解决区际法律冲突问题当中,应该重视一般原则的重要性;在区际法律适用过程中,判例法是一个很重要的法律渊源;宪法应该在其中发挥一定的作用。
英文: Because of the common law tradition, American law comes from four basic sources: the federal and state constitutions, statutes made by the United States Congress and the legislatures of the various states, case law or judge-made law (uncodified law based
中文: 由于普通法系统的传统,美国法律有4个基本来源:联邦和州宪法,美国国会和各州议会通过的成文法,判例法或者说法官制定的法律(基于法院判决的不成文法),以及统称为行政法的由各行政机关制定的规则和决议。
英文: The study of the development of legal culture of Ghana, and especially the research of the complex relationship between indigenous law of Ghana and British law in colonial time from the perspective of case law is one of the best samples to understand the
中文: 对加纳法文化的演进,特别是时殖民时期的加纳本土法与英国法的错综复杂的关系进行个案研究是进一步了解非洲国家法律文化历史变迁的一个极好范例。
英文: Within the federal structure ,each state has substantial autonomy .Each has its own constitution,statutes made by its own legislature,and a bodyof case law created by its own courts .
中文: 在联邦制的架构中,每个州都有实质性的自主权,有自己的宪法,自己的立法机构制定的法律,以及自己的法院作出的判例法.