*['kwestʃәnәbl]\na. 可疑的\n【法】 可疑的, 有问题的, 不可靠的
英文: 500mm: Critters and birds. Money laundering: can be bought and sold to placate wife about questionable expenses. “But I sold one of my lenses to pay for it, honey, honest.
中文: 生物和鸟.洗钱,可以买来再卖来消除可以的开支.亲爱的,我为了它可是卖了一个镜头呢!真的!.
英文: A central defender who is highly skilled in making tackles, Materazzi is virtually infallible when it comes to taking free kicks and penalties - evidence of his unquestionable technical abilities.
中文: 马特拉齐是一名铲断技术一流的中后卫,同时他的任意球和罚点球技术也非常可靠--毫无疑问他的技术无可置疑。
英文: After more than a decade messing about writing some fine essays and autobiography mixed in with poor fiction and some questionable history, Martin Amis has suddenly—and unexpectedly, even to his publishers—turned in a work of real worth, a novel that not
中文: 过去十余年间,马丁?埃米斯一直在为撰写几篇优秀论文和一本夹杂着低俗虚构和一些不可靠的历史记载的自传而折腾不停,如今他却突然——甚至连他的出版商都意想不到的是——献出了一部真正有价值的著作,一部富于激情、有血有肉的小说,让人感到与其说是惊喜交加还不如说是心潮澎湃。
英文: Allusion to something by denying that it will be mentioned, as in I will not bring up my opponent's questionable financial dealings.
中文: 阳否阴述通过否认某事物将被提到来加以暗示,如在句子我不想提及竞争对手其令人置疑的财政交易。
英文: Although it is believe that such practice can bring additional revenue to the mariculturists, it is questionable whether this would generally improve the mariculture industry or more mariculturists would convert their money-losing fish culture business in
中文: 虽然该措施会为海水养鱼户提供额外收入,但其效用能否改善整个海水养殖业则受到质疑,已有可能有更多养鱼户把其亏损中的养鱼业务转为从事悠閒垂钓,令到正式微的养鱼业最终面临淘汰的命运。