英文: If funds should be collected level by level before the competent department hands them over to the Central Treasury at last, the Ministry of Finance shall supervise the handing over and the financial supervisor's office stationed by the Ministry of Financ
中文: 各级财政部门要进一步建立和完善有关收入的缴库(含财政预算外资金专户)制度、缴库单分送制度,认真履行监督、检查职责,根据公、检、法、工商部门行政性收费和罚没收入的执收、执罚和解缴情况,加强催缴和监缴,并建立稽查机制,堵塞漏洞,做到应收尽收。
英文: The central treasury will incorporate the national natural science funds into the budget thereof.
中文: 中央财政将国家自然科学基金的经费列入预算。