英文: So in fact, if they senesce just a tiny tiny bit over time -- that is, if their half-life gets shorter, very very slowly -- we wouldn't actually be able to tell that this was happening in the time that we took our measurements, because the acceleration in
中文: 所以在事实上,如果它们随时间衰老得只那么一点点,—就是说,如果它们的半衰期缩短得非常慢—那么我们实际上不可能知道,在我们测量期间发生过衰减,因为原子衰减的速率加速得太小,统计学上检测不出(当然,是相对于不曾衰减的数目而言,不曾衰减的原子数目总是在减少)。
英文: MDA content and relative electric conductivity of tissue were also increased. The results indicated vibrational stress accelerated the ripening and senesce process of kiwi fruit.
中文: 使组织电导率、MDA含量和脂肪氧合酶活性升高,从而破坏组织细胞膜系统和细胞结构的完整性,加速猕猴桃果实采后成熟衰老进程。
英文: PP at 0.~.0 mg/L have distinct effects on the gain of stem node number and diameter,but the plantlets leaf is too large and the plantlets tend to senesce prematurely.
中文: 培养基中PP 质量浓度为0.~.0 mg/L时对增加马铃薯的节位、茎粗效果明显,但叶片过大、气生根过多而易出现早衰;
英文: The early Chinese cabbage ( Hybrid No ) was found to senesce sooner than the late one ( IZ-8) in terms of the beginning arid rate of chlorophill loss.
中文: 球白菜早熟品种小杂的叶绿素降解时间先于中晚熟材料IZ-8,前者的降解速率也大于后者,这表明前者不如后者耐贮.
英文: Then the frame of the complex industry process control system based on Multi-Agent theory for a broad senesce was designed. The single Agent model and the behavior rule for it were defined.
中文: 进一步介绍广义Multi-Agent理论的基础上探讨工业过程控制领域通用的基于Multi-Agent的复杂工业控制系统的架构,定义了符合工业过程控制系统特点的个体Agent模型和个体Agent的行为规则。