英文: In the first half year of 2006, China Unicom and China Mobile each conducted large scale purchases, negotiations, and agreement signing regarding GSM equipments.
中文: 2006年上半年,中国移动和中国联通分别就GSM设备进行了大规模的集中采购和统谈分签。
英文: Sources from the Municipal Agricultural Economy Analyzing Conference on July 11th say that Zhuhai's agricultural industry in the first half year generally kept running well, though great losses were caused by the flooding disasters of late June.
中文: 记者11日从全市农业经济分析会上获悉,今年上半年全市农业经济运行总体态势良好,但6月下旬的洪水给农业生产造成了较大的损失。
英文: The output of mobile phone of Chinese mainland in the first half year of 2006 is 210 million, 64% more than the same period of last year.
中文: 中国已经成为世界上最大的移动通信市场,截至2006年7月底,中国已有四亿三千一百万便携式移动电话用户。
英文: The trade surplus soared to 39.6 billion USD for the first half year which was higher than last year's total. Favorable balance inflated robustly in trade with the US and Europe.
中文: 贸易顺差大幅增加,上半年累计顺差达396亿美元,已超过去年全年水平,中美、中欧顺差迅速上升。