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health food


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英文: Abstract: The effect and principle of health food therapy are introduced.The therapy is helpflul for the prevntion of occupationa poisoning.

中文: 文摘:简述了职业人群保健膳食方法的原理、功效及制订原则,该膳食方法对预防职业中毒有辅助作用。        更详细...
英文: Article 5 In the event of using wild terraneous animals and plants, which have beneficial qualities or are important for economic and scientific research, and their products as health food raw materials, the applicant should provide approval documents for

中文: 第五条使用国家保护的有益的或者有重要经济、科学研究价值的陆生野生动植物及其产品作为保健食品原料的,应提供省级以上农业(渔业)、林业行政主管部门依据管理职能出具的允许开发利用的证明文件。        更详细...
英文: Article 6 In the event of using the plants which are included the list of new plant varieties under national protection of the People's Republic of China and their products as health food raw materials, the applicant should provide the utilization approva

中文: 第六条使用中华人民共和国林业植物新品种保护名录中植物及其产品作为保健食品原料的,如果该种植物已获“品种权”,应提供该种植物品种权所有人许可使用的证明;如该种植物尚未取得品种权,应提供国务院林业主管部门出具的该种品种尚未取得品种权的证明。        更详细...
英文: As to health food of nutrient extender, besides representation on the basis of (1), the formula ratio should also be marked with the intake of each nutrient per capita per day in the product, and should be listed along with the recommended intake of the c

中文: 营养素补充剂类保健食品,配方量除按(1)表述外,还应标出产品每种营养素的每人每日食用量,并与《中国居民膳食营养素每日参考摄入量》和《矿物质、维生素种类及用量》中相应营养素的每人每日推荐食用量一道对应列表表示。        更详细...
英文: Beijing Lai Hong Biotechnology Limited, established in 2001. Is committed to biological products, pharmaceuticals, health food products research and development, production, marketing direction for the development of major high-tech biotechnology Limited.

中文: 北京嘉仁康生物技术有限公司创建于2001年年底。是致力于以生物制品、药品、保健食品的研发、生产、销售为主要发展方向的高科技生物技术有限公司。        更详细...

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