英文: But this mechanistic view of growth assumes that demography is destiny and that economic policies do not matter.
中文: 但是,这样机械看待发展问题的观点不免会得出一个结论,即人口因素决定一切,而经济政策则并不重要。
英文: He once served as a member of the standing committee of the CPC Shanghai committee, Director of the Institute of Demography and Development of SASS and held concurrent posts as Vice President of China Association Of Demography, Vice President of Shanghai
中文: 曾担任上海市政协常委、上海社会科学院人口研究所所长,兼任中国人口学会副会长、上海市计量经济学会副会长。
英文: The future researches should set tsp an effective mechanism of peer relations to mental health, and construct a theoretic model and predictive model which involving demography variables.
中文: 未来的研究应围绕同伴关系对心理健康的影响问题,建立起涵盖人口统计学变量的理论模型和预测模型。
英文: The question is how to share out the resources rather than whether we can produce enough,” said Catherine Rollet who is organizing an international conference on world demography next month in Tours, France.
中文: 问题在于如何去分配资源,而不在于我们能否生产出足够的资源」,正筹备下月在法国土尔市举行的一场关于世界人口的国际会议的凯萨琳.罗蕾说。
英文: Xing Fu, Guo Jixun and Wang Ke. Study on demography of reproductive modulars and reproductive allocation of Stellera chamaejasme population. Acta Prataculturae Sinica. 14(4).
中文: 邢福,郭继勋,王珂.狼毒种群生殖构件数量特征与生殖配置研究.草业学报,2005,14(4).