*['kʌvәd];a. 隐蔽着的, 掩藏着的, 有屋顶的;【建】 涂抹了的, 覆盖了的, 掩盖了的
*['kʌvәd]\na. 隐蔽着的, 掩藏着的, 有屋顶的\n【建】 涂抹了的, 覆盖了的, 掩盖了的\n相关词组:\n be covered with shame\n be covered with\n be covered with sweat
英文: 3would be strong and full of passion for football, as he was abundantly nourished and had enjoyed waving his hands and kicking his feet in a warm covered place, without hurrying out of blond 1to (4) encounter this rainy winter, as well as black 1. 3would
中文: “三”将身强力壮,酷爱足球,因为他在一个保温覆盖之地饱食终日,手舞足蹈,根本不想从“金发一”中匆忙而出,去迎接多雨之冬和“黑发一”.“三”将是未来的天才,或许是又一个爱因斯坦,因为他是“其他二位”爱和智慧的结晶.在这个世界趋于一体化的时代,“三”将是地球村里最有资格的地球公民,因为他代表着儒家精神和笛卡尔精神最完满的结合.
英文: After much trial and error, we found a formula which fitted,wrote Tench, who had nothing to do with the Brown case but discovered the italicized letters when studying the ruling.
中文: 坦奇并未插手布朗一案,但他在阅读判决书时发现了那些斜体字母,他写道:“经过反复试验后,我们发现有个公式恰好可用来破译法官的密码。”
英文: Border guards discovered a live cargo of 500 parrots in his car,Kazakhstan Today news agency quoted a KNB security service official as saying.
中文: 据路透社1月23日报道,哈萨克斯坦今日通讯社援引该国边防检查部门一位官员的话说:“边境警察在他的轿车内发现了多达500只活鹦鹉。”
英文: Catherine discovered the caviar treatment last summer and was astounded by the difference it made to her hair,said a source.
中文: 一位消息人士说:“凯瑟琳去年夏天发现鱼子酱护发品之后,便十分惊讶于这种东西给头发带来的变化。”
英文: Harry, you must have misheard Professor Sinistra,says Hermione on page 300 of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Europa's covered in ice, not mice!
中文: 在“哈利波特和凤凰教”的第300页上,赫毛尼说:“哈利,你肯定误解了斯尼思特教授,覆盖欧罗巴的是冰,上面不可能爬满老鼠。”