英文: Hyms of Universal Praise (1st edition, music edition) (Edited by the Union Hymnal Committee). Shanghai: The Christian Literature Society of China, 1936.
中文: 《谱天颂赞》(线谱本,民国二十五年三月初版)。上海广学会出版,民国二十五年。
英文: Lee had written all of the group's commentaries, its hymnal was assembled by Him and the footnotes of its special translation of the Bible (the Recovery Version) had been written by him as well.
中文: 李已经写了该团体的所有圣经注释,该团体的诗歌也是由他编撰,再加上该团体自己特别翻译的圣经(恢复版圣经)的注解也都是由他写的。
英文: The Episcopal hymnal is full of rousing things, and I am pleased that the text I wrote in 1959 is now hymn number 104.
中文: 圣公会赞美诗集满是鼓舞人的东西,我很高兴我1959年写的这首诗如今成了赞美诗集中的第104首。