英文: If you are not in the mood and do not want to have sex with me, let me know by pulling on my penis 100 times!
中文: 本站不是一般的讨论区:任何与文章无直接关联、模糊讨论焦点、对作者或其他网友进行人身攻击的非理性言论将被移除而不另行通知。
英文: Anal sex: Usually this term specifically refers to a penis penetrating an anus in anal intercourse.
中文: 肛交:通常是专指在肛门性交过程中阴茎插入肛门。
英文: D: Have you ever noticed a creamy discharge at the end of your penis before you begin to urinate in the morning?
中文: 早晨开始小便前你是否注意到小便口上有白色分泌物?
英文: Early studies have suggested that the removal of the foreskin from the penis may reduce the risk of infection.
中文: 早期研究建议,取消了包皮的阴茎可减少感染的风险。
英文: He is about to walk away when suddenly he notices that his penis is lying on the sidewalk.
中文: 做出这种表情是他的拿手好戏,猛然发现他的那玩艺儿扔在马路上,他便准备一走了之。