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D: Have you ever noticed a creamy discharge at the end of your penis before you begin to urinate in the morning?

D: Has she been vaccinated against measles? When was she vaccinated? 她接种过麻疹疫苗吗?什么时候接种的?
D: Has your husband had his semen examined? 你的丈夫查过精液吗?
D: Have you ever had any female diseases, such as pelvic inflammation, cervictis or polyp of the cervix, etc? 你曾经得过妇女病么?如盆腔炎、宫颈炎、宫颈息肉等。
D: Have you ever had any other illness, for instance nephritis, gall-stones or any gynecological diseases? 你有过其它病吗?比如说,肾炎、胆结石或妇科病?
D: Have you ever had swollen ankles? 您的脚腕肿过没有?
D: Have you ever noticed a creamy discharge at the end of your penis before you begin to urinate in the morning? 早晨开始小便前你是否注意到小便口上有白色分泌物?
D: He should stay in bed until his fever goes down. Let him eat easily digested food and drink plenty of fluids. 他应该卧床直到体温下降至正常。他应吃易消化的食物。多喝饮料。
D: He's always eager to spread word. 他总是急于传播消息。
D: Hello, I'm an orthopedic surgeon. What happened to your leg? 您好,我是骨科医生。您的腿怎么了?
D: How about his appetite? 他的胃口怎样?
D: How about your menstrual cycle? 你的月经周期怎样?

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