【经】 信托人
英文: A trading-trust contract is a contract whereby the trustee-trader conducts trading activities in its own name for the trustor, and the trustor pays the remuneration.
中文: 第四百一十四条行纪合同是行纪人以自己的名义为委托人从事贸易活动,委托人支付报酬的合同。
英文: Article 12 If the trust a trustor establishes has harmed the interests of the creditor, the creditor shall have the right to apply to the people's court for canceling the trust.
中文: 第十二条委托人设立信托损害其债权人利益的,债权人有权申请人民法院撤销该信托。
英文: Article 19 The trustor shall be a natural or a legal person with full civil capacity, or other organizations established according to law.
中文: 第十九条委托人应当是具有完全民事行为能力的自然人、法人或者依法成立的其他组织。
英文: Article 20 The trustor has the right to know how his trust property is managed, utilized or disposed of and the income and expenses incurred therefrom, and has the right to ask the trustee to make explanations.
中文: 第二十条委托人有权了解其信托财产的管理运用、处分及收支情况,并有权要求受托人作出说明。
英文: Article 22 If the trustee disposes of the trust property against the purposes of the trust or causes losses to the trust property due to violation of the management duties or improper handling of the trust affairs, the trustor has the right to apply to th
中文: 第二十二条受托人违反信托目的处分信托财产或者因违背管理职责、处理信托事务不当致使信托财产受到损失的,委托人有权申请人民法院撤销该处分行为,并有权要求受托人恢复信托财产的原状或者予以赔偿;该信托财产的受让人明知是违反信托目的而接受该财产的,应当予以返还或者予以赔偿。