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Article 12 If the trust a trustor establishes has harmed the interests of the creditor, the creditor shall have the right to apply to the people's court for canceling the trust.

Article 12 At the request of the original landownership holders according to Paragraph 2, Article 8 of the Act, the authority of development may construct buildings for distribution or just utilize the residual houses used to settle the original residing 第12条原土地所有权人依本条例第八条第二项规定,申请由开发主管机关统筹兴建建筑物后分配时,开发主管机关得兴建建筑物或就拆迁安置原住户住宅之剩馀住宅予以分配,其作业要点由开发主管机关定之。
Article 12 Both the male and the female shall, in making marriage registration, hold their certificates of pre-marital medical examination or certificates of medical technical appraisement. 第十二条男女双方在结婚登记时,应当持有婚前医学检查证明或者医学鉴定证明。
Article 12 Copyright in a work derived from adaptation, translation, annotation or arrangement of a preexistent work shall vest in the adapter, translator, annotator or arranger, the exercise of which, however, may not infringe the copyright in the preexi 第十二条改编、翻译、注释、整理已有作品而产生的作品,其著作权由改编、翻译、注释、整理人享有,但行使著作权时不得侵犯原作品的著作权。
Article 12 Except otherwise governed by Article 5 of this Act, if a government agency needs to collect and compile some provisional statistics, the collection and compilation of such statistics may be performed by the statistics personnel of that agency u 第12条政府机关举办临时性质之统计,除准用第五条之规定外,各该机关主管长官得令其办理统计人员办理之。
Article 12 If each kind of application stipulated by this statute is incompliant with the regulations, the approval organization shall reject it in written form. 第12条本条例所定各类申请事项,不符规定者,核定机关应以书面驳回。
Article 12 If the trust a trustor establishes has harmed the interests of the creditor, the creditor shall have the right to apply to the people's court for canceling the trust. 第十二条委托人设立信托损害其债权人利益的,债权人有权申请人民法院撤销该信托。
Article 12 In applying to appoint the general representative office, foreign insurance institutions shall submit a letter of application addressed to the Chairman of CIRC and signed by its Chairman of the Board of Directors or General Manager of the conce 第十二条外国保险机构申请指定总代表处,应当提交由董事长或者总经理签署的致中国保监会主席的申请书。
Article 12 In selling its or his goods, an operator may not make a tie-in sale against the wish of the buyer or attach other unreasonable conditions. 第十二条经营者销售商品,不得违背购买者的意愿搭售商品或者附加其他不合理的条件。
Article 12 In selling its or his goods, an operator shall not make a tie-in sale against the wish of the buyer or attach other unreasonable conditions. 第十二条经营者销售商品,不得违背购买者的意愿搭售商品或者附加其他不合理的条件。
Article 12 In their work related to prices, business operators should strictly keep up with laws, regulations, government guided-prices, government-set prices, legal price intervention measures and emergency measures adopted by the government according to 第十二条经营者进行价格活动,应当遵守法律、法规,执行依法制定的政府指导价、政府定价和法定的价格干预措施、紧急措施。
Article 12 Individuals wishing to sell gold or silver must sell it to the People's Bank of China. 第十二条个人出售金银,必须卖给中国人民银行。

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