英文: Initial work-up included a CT demonstrating a medial left occipital infarct involving the left side of the splenium of the corpus callosum.
中文: 初始检查CT示左枕叶及中度梗塞并累及左侧胼胝体压部。
英文: The tumor of case accompanied with slightly enlarged sella turcica and invisible pituitary gland,was located in suprasellar region and extended to splenium of corpus callous,which manifested high signal on T_WI and T_WI.
中文: 例 肿瘤位于鞍上,突向鞍内并延伸至胼胝体压部下方,蝶鞍稍增大,垂体未显示,TWI和TWI均为高信号;