英文: A big shift out of dollars could therefore push up bond yields and hence mortgage rates, damaging America's already crumbling housing market.
中文: 对美元的大幅转换会相应抬高债券的收益以及抵押率,破坏美国已经崩溃的房屋市场。
英文: Interestingly, this commodity mega trend is coinciding with the new investment era that began in the late 1990s with a shift out of financial assets like stocks, into tangible assets like gold (see Chart 2).
中文: 那是我们现在的趋势,虽然会变化但我们还没有看到与此相反的趋势,我们感觉未来几年将会是通货膨胀而不是通货紧缩,它也导致了贵金属升值,物价上涨。