英文: According to the request of 《Master Plan of Qingyang City》, landuse layout and each building land are arranged reasonably in the plan.
中文: 本次规划按照《庆阳市总体规划》的要求,协调安排好规划范围内各项用地布局,合理确定各项建设用地。
英文: The Qingyang Taoist Temple, one of?the most famours taoist temples in China and possibly the oldest in Chengdu.
中文: 青羊宫,中国最著名的道教宫观之一,也是成都市内现存建筑年代最久远、规模最大的一座道教宫观。
英文: The paper makes comparison among the octagonal stupa of Gandhara, stone pagoda of the Northern Liang and grottoes in Qingyang of Gansu Province, restores the octagonal stupa in Loulan and deduces the spreading routes of octagonal stupa from Gandhara to Ch
中文: 本文主要运用考古学方法,通过犍陀罗八面体佛塔与北凉石塔、甘肃庆阳石窟的比较研究,对楼兰八面体佛塔进行了复原,归纳出八面体佛塔从犍陀罗到中国的传播路线。