on file
存档\n【法】 存档, 归档
英文: A coalition of US apparel and textile industry and a labour union has just filed six threat-based safeguard petitions against cotton &man-fibre trousers, underwear, and shirts from China and would soon file further petitions against four other broad categ
中文: 美国服装及纺织业与当地一个工会组成的联盟,刚刚提出6项针对中国棉质和人造纤维长裤、内衣及衬衫的市场保护申诉,理由是这些产品「可能干扰市场」;此外,又将提出针对另外4类产品的申诉,有关产品包括羊毛长裤、棉质被单、人造连续长纤维织物及棉纱。
英文: A configuration file can contain database passwords and other information that could be used by malicious users to penetrate or deface your site; never allow these files to be accessed by remote users.
中文: 一个配置文件可以保存数据库密码或者其他可以让恶意用户入侵或修改网站的重要信息;绝对不要让这些文件可以被远程用户访问到。
英文: A copy of all maintenance contracts are kept on file in the Engineering office.
中文: 工程部的档案中都保留了每份合同的副本。
英文: A new registration file must be added into the project because the S60 3rd Edition system launcher needs it to load the application.
中文: 工程中必须加入一个新的注册文件,这是因为三版的系统运行载入程序需要这个注册文件载入应用程序。
英文: A tag that can be used in a customisation file to indicate to the context sensitive help compiler that the marked text must be preceded by the graphic or text for a note in the output help file.
中文: 笔记效果:在一个标准化文件中用来提示上下文敏感的帮助编辑器:在输出的帮助文件中,有记号的文本必须使用图形或者笔记文字作为前导。