英文: According to the Census figures, only about 30 percent of black women are living with a spouse, compared with 49 percent of Hispanic women, 55 percent of non-Hispanic white women and more than 60 percent of Asian women.
中文: 据人口普查数据,黑人女性的已婚比例只有30%左右,西班牙女性为49%,而非西班牙裔白人女性和亚洲女性的已婚比例则分别为55%和60%。
英文: At that point, in 2043, non-Hispanic whites could make up just over half the population.
中文: 到那时,2043年,非西班牙白人会占据人口的一半还多。
英文: Attending his reading, he said, were large numbers of Hispanic people, 40,000 of whom lived in the same city.
中文: 他说,该城共住有4万西班牙裔美国人,其中许多人前来参加了他的诗歌朗诵会。
英文: By the third generation, one third of Hispanic women are married to non-Hispanics.
中文: 在第三代人之中,三分之一的西班牙女性都会与没有西班牙血统的人结婚。
英文: Critics say the proposal is unfairly aimed at mostly Hispanic immigrants who enter the country to find jobs.
中文: 批评者说,这个提案不公正地把矛头对准了到美国寻找工作的人,这些人大部份是拉美裔。