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*[mi'tɒnimi]\nn. 转喻\n【医】 代语失当, 选语失当

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英文: Quansun(legendary aromatic grasses) analogy of kings, core artistic imagery in the aromatic grass and beauy tradition in Chu Ci, nearly becomes the metonymy for the god of ciming (life-control) and kings of Chu Kingdom.

中文: 摘要以“荃”、“荪”喻君是楚辞香草美人传统中的核心艺术意象,几乎成为楚辞中司命之神与楚王的专门指代。        更详细...
英文: Contained within this paper, the logic of metaphor, simile, and metonymy are illustrated and the concepts of gestalt, context and layer in encoding aspects are introduced and suggested is a new model to clarify the cognitive distance between encoding and

中文: 在编码方面,本文以科学的态度釐清暗喻、明喻、转喻等文学名词的定义,并介绍完型、脉络、层次等编码时应加注意的观念;在解码方面则提出一个新的模型架构来解释编码和解码之间的认知距离。        更详细...
英文: Jakobson,Roman. 2002. The metaphoric and metonymic poles [ A]. In: Dirven, Rene and Ralf P? Rings (eds.). Metaphor and Metonymy in Comparison and Contrast[ C]. Berlin / New York:Mouton de Gruyter.

中文: 胡家峦译.现代主义小说的语言:隐喻和转喻[A].吕同六.二十世纪世界小说理论经典[C].北京:华夏出版社,1995.        更详细...
英文: We can thus explain what de Man means by “assimilations of rhetorical transformations or combinations to syntactical, grammatical patterns” with reference to the coexistence in structuralist theory of patterns of both metonymy (which is syntagmatic) and m

中文: 那么我们就可以用结构主义理论所说的转喻(组合关系的)和隐喻(聚合关系的)的共生来解释德曼所说的“修辞转换或连接对语法类型的同化作用”的意义了。        更详细...
英文: We hold that discoursal coherence is also realized by some deep/implicit cohesive ties and that the cognitive principles like iconicity, cognitive metaphor and cognitive metonymy have a great bearing on the construction of discoursal coherence in such a d

中文: 本文作者认为,语篇的连贯性远不止表现在这些方面,同时还受到深层/隐性的衔接方式的制约,主张象似性、认知隐喻扣认知转喻等主要认知原则制约着语言运用的深层次连贯性,或者说,是实现语篇连贯的重要的深层/隐性衔接手段。        更详细...

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