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ad. 间接, 曲折, 迂回, 不直截了当, 不诚实, 不坦率\n【计】 间接地

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英文: My grandfather probably indirectly facilitated my arrival and work in this ountry. I was French, completely apolitical and my sole motivation was my love of children,she explains.

中文: 玛利娜说:“我爷爷也许间接地让我到这里来,并在这个国家工作。我是法国人,对政治毫无兴趣,我唯一的动机是对孩子的爱。”        更详细...
英文: 3 The EMPLOYEE undertakes not to exercise directly or indirectly on behalf of any competitor to the COMPANY even as free of charge or for himself/herself any activity which may compete with the business of the COMPANY for one (1) year after the terminatio

中文: 该员工与本公司解除本合同后一年内不得直接或间接地代表本公司的任何竞争对手从事任何可能伤及本公司利益的有偿或无偿活动。        更详细...
英文: All or any dispute howsoever arising directly or indirectly under or in respect of these by-laws or any of them in regard to any matter, act, event or thing of whatsoever nature arising or occurring hereunder shall be governed by and interpreted in accord

中文: 凡根据或就本附例或其任何条文而直接或间接引致的一切或任何纠纷(不论如何引致),如涉及任何根据或就本附例或其任何条文而引致或发生的任何性质的事情、作为、事件或事物,则不论该行为或事件或事物于何处发生,亦不论与该纠纷有关的任何人或任何一方的国籍、居籍或本籍或惯常居住地为何,均须受香港法例管限并按照香港法例解释;因该纠纷而直接或间接引致的由公司或针对公司提出的每宗诉讼或申索,须受在香港具司法管辖权的法院的专有审判权所限。        更详细...
英文: Although about half of the subsidy was recovered indirectly from farmers through lower prices for agricultural products, the net subsidy of Rmb 5.78 billion still represents a significant cost to the state.

中文: 尽管约有一半的补贴通过向农民低价征购农产品间接地得到回收,但净补贴仍达57.8亿元人民币,这对一个国家来说仍是一个明显负担。        更详细...
英文: Any land this website in any way or direct, the indirectly uses this website data, see as accept the stipulation that this website declare voluntarily.

中文: 凡以任何方式登陆本网站或直接、间接使用本网站资料者,视为自愿接受本网站声明的约束。        更详细...

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