英文: My Heart.My Home – 18 Districts Reach Out Together for Loveable Sights in Hong Kongorganised by the Home Affairs Bureau, 18 District Councils and the Hong Kong Institute of Architects and Chinese Painting.Paint China – Go Into Hong Kongorganized by the Ch
中文: 由民政事务局、十八区区议会及香港建筑师学会联合举办之「情系我家?十八区共同寻找最爱景点」及由中国美术家协会策划的「中国画?画中国——走进香港」启动典礼已于今天2005年10月17日下午于香港茶具文物馆举行,有关活动亦正式展开。
英文: A company is supposed to have insights into the target country's politics, laws and culture, thus formulating the international marketing strategies suitable for the local environment.
中文: 企业必须全面了解当地的政治、经济、法律及文化环境,制定出适应当地环境的国际市场营销策略。
英文: A few weeks ago, XM's mother asked if we could help her buy a copy of TV lecturer Yu Dan's Insights on “The Analects”, since she had heard it was a popular new explanation of the Chinese classic.
中文: 几周前,XM的妈妈问我们可不可以帮她买一本近来活跃于银屏的演讲者于丹的《于丹〈论语〉心得》,因为她听说这本书通俗又新颖地阐述了中国经典古籍。
英文: A repository of experience and insights of many local and overseas theorists and practitioners in Drama Education, this book is aimed at providing a source of inspirational case sharing for the readers and valuable reference material for future research.
中文: 「戏剧在校园」2002会议文集辑录了多位本地与海外戏剧教育工作者的经验和心得,藉以为读者提供多元的个案分享,也为在可见未来香港将越益繁多的研究与实践工作提供参考资源。
英文: A senior executive's instinctive capacity to empathize with and gain insights from customers is the single most important skill he or she can use to direct technologies, product and service offerings, indeed, all elements of a company's strategic posture.
中文: 高级经理认同顾客、深入了解顾客这种本能的领悟能力,是唯一最重要的技能,他或她可以用这种技能去管理各种技术、产品和各种服务供给,甚至,这种技能可以管理公司策略立场的所有因素。