英文: 1 Samter M, Beers RF. Intolerance to aspirin. clinical studies and consideration of its pathogenesis. Ann Intern Med, 1968, 68:975-983.
中文: 2张茸,张宏誉.阿司匹林哮喘的发病率.中华结核和呼吸杂志1985,8:187.
英文: A milk-substitute formula may be tried briefly to ascertain whether milk intolerance exists, but frequent formula switching should be avoided.
中文: 偶而用替代牛奶的配方奶可以确定婴儿是否存在牛奶不耐受,但应避免频繁换用。
英文: After 7 months' therapy the patient developed progressive weakness, intolerance to hemodialysis, hyperphosphatemia and hypercalcemia.
中文: 治疗7个月以后,病人出现进行性乏力,不能耐受血液透析,高磷血症和高钙血症。
英文: An abnormal sensitivity to or intolerance of light, especially by the eyes, as may be caused by eye inflammation, lack of pigmentation in the iris, or various diseases.
中文: 畏光,羞明对光线不正常敏感或无法忍受,尤指由眼引起的,可能是由眼炎、眼球虹彩中缺少色素或其它疾病而引起的
英文: “Whatever success I have enjoyed,I attribute almost entirely to a deep personal sense of responsibility to our clients and to the job at hand,with a passion for thoroughness,often at considerable personal sacrifice,and an unyielding intolerance of sloppy
中文: 我所享有的任何成就,完全归因于对客户与工作的高度责任感,不惜付出自我而成就完美的热情,以及绝不容忍马虎的想法,草率粗心的工作,与差强人意的作品。