英文: 500 kHz: This is an international ship calling and distress frequency for maritime communications in Morse code.
中文: 500千赫:这是一艘国际船要求和求救频率海通信在摩尔斯电码。
英文: A court exercising jurisdiction over all maritime cases.
中文: 海事法庭处理所有海事案件裁决权的法庭
英文: A full inspection in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Standard shall be carried out prior to expiry of the interim certificate to enable issue of the full-term maritime labour certificate.
中文: 在临时证书到期前,应根据本标准第1款进行全面检查,以便签发正式的海事劳工证书。
英文: A receipt issued by the agent of General Establishment for Maritime Transportation in the shipping harbor including a list of the received materials their quantities and the date of their reception.
中文: (所提交的单证有)7,一张在装运港口由海洋运输总公司的代理签发的收据,包括一个目录,列明所收材料数量和日期的清单!
英文: A spokesman with China's foreign ministry said today (Thursday) that Beijing disagreed with the proposal, mainly due to Tokyo's demarcation of a maritime boundary that China does not recognize.
中文: 中国外交部发言人星期四说,中方不同意日方的建议,主要是因为中国不认同日方提出的海上分界线。