英文: At the present time, improving the precision and the speed of STOD has become the primary content of study, however the rationality and the veracity of the STOD model are ignored.
中文: 目前,短期优化研究常侧重于提高算法的精度和计算速度,而忽略了短期优化调度模型本身的合理性和准确性。
英文: For example, the efficiency coefficient of power station is an important parameter in the STOD model, whereas the correlative study is very seldom.
中文: 如短期优化调度模型中的出力系数计算问题的研究就很少,而它都是影响短期优化调度计算精度的重要因素。
英文: I spent the evening on my tod again.
中文: 我又单独度过了这一晚.
英文: Crosses were made between Gossypium hirsutum L. ×G. klotzschianum Anderss, G, hirsutum L.×G. thurberi Tod and G.
中文: 以陆地棉(G.hirsutum)做母本,分别与瑟伯氏棉(G.thurberi)和克劳茨基棉(G.klotzschianum)杂交,以陆地棉自交为对照,取杂交和自交授粉后二天的胚珠培养。
英文: It consisted of redness, putrescence, burning pain, heat, tickle, numbness papules, macules, maculopapules, urticaria and plaques on local area. Some cases complained of general unconformability (7.%), fantod ( .7%) and swelling of lymph nodes (.8).
中文: 果自愿者皮肤被幼虫触刺后,表现为红、肿、痛、热,烧灼、麻木感,继而呈现丘疹、斑丘疹、斑块、风团块,部分病例出现周身不适7.%,烦燥 .7%,腋下淋巴结肿大.8%。 豚鼠皮疹病理切片见表皮水疱、脓疱改变。