英文: An observation like this just confirms that, that we may discover Kuiper Belt objects bigger than Pluto,said Frank Summers, an astrophysicist at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore.
中文: “一次这样的观测就可以印证柯依伯带中可能会发现比冥王星大的天体,”福兰克萨莫斯说道,他是位于巴尔的摩的太空望远镜科学院的一位天体物理学家。
英文: This questions our understanding of how giant planets are formed and evolve,said Robert Noyes, a senior physicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA).
中文: 这向我们对于大行星是如何行成演化的理解提出了置疑.罗伯特·诺伊斯说.他是哈佛-史密森纳天体物理中心的一名资深物理学家.
英文: 1842 Sir James Dewar, Scottish physicist and chemist and inventor of the vacuum flask, was born in Fife.
中文: 1842年,苏格兰物理学家、化学家、真空管发明人詹姆斯.德沃尔爵士出生于法夫。
英文: 1845 Wilhelm von Rontgen, German physicist who discovered X-rays and Nobel Prize winner. Was born at Lennep in Prussia.
中文: 发现X射线的德国物理学家、诺贝尔奖获得者威廉·冯·伦琴出生于普鲁士的伦内普。
英文: 1937 Guglielmo Marconl, Italian physicist and pioneer in the use of wireless telegraphy, died in Rome.
中文: 意大利物理学家、无线电技术先驱吉列尔莫·马可尼逝世于罗马。